Home Security: Windows.
By: Thomas Hunter
Windows present a lot of danger to your home security and should be protected to make sure that no one can use them to break into your house. The main reason that windows are insecure is the fact that they are made of glass that can be broken. If the glass is broken and a wrong lock is installed, a burglar can simply reach for the lock and open it. There are several preventive measures that can be taken to protect your windows. First of all, these measures deal with the construction of the windows and type of glass used in them. Window locks are also very important. There are several other techniques related to windows that can increase your level of protection.
The glass used for the window should be very hard to break. Regular glass is very insecure and should not be installed. There is special type of glass that is enforced and is extremely hard to break. This type of glass is similar to the one used for the front windshield in the car. You can also install the type of glass called “laminated glass” which provides an even higher level of security. The glass should be attached to the frame is a way that it is securely connected to it, preferable by the glazing mastic. A second layer of glass can also be installed to strengthen your windows. This will serve a double purpose by making your house more insulated from the outside weather. If you have glass windows installed at the top of your door, make sure there is a lock on your door that is hard to reach if these windows are broken. This lock can be located closer to the bottom of your door. Your window frame should be made from the strong material and should be securely connected to the walls of your house.
The locks used for windows should be hard to open. For example, if you have a simple sash lock installed, the burglar can break your window, reach for the lock and open it. Your window locks should be a lot more secure. For example, you can install a lock that if opened and closed with a key. A lock that secures the frames together is much more secure then standard windows lock. Also, the lock should be attached to the frame, not to the window. Some windows may have to be kept open for a long time. For example, this applies to you if your house requires ventilation or if you live in a location with a hot weather. In this case you should make sure that your windows can be opened only half way to protect your house from a possible burglary attempt.
It is important to talk about other security measures that can protect your windows and your house. For example, if you have a motion detector alarm system, a motion detector device should be installed near each of the windows. This will allow you to make sure that if someone does break into your house through the window, the alarm system is triggered and your alarm monitoring company is notified. Another advice is to make sure that you don’t leave any ladders outside of your house. Burglars may try to use your ladders to try to access the windows on the second floor of your house. This leads to another suggestion to make sure that your second floor windows are as secure as the first floor windows. Also make sure that you have curtains for your windows to protect your privacy.
Your windows provide an easy access for the burglar to collect your personal and financial information before the burglary is attempted. For example, if you have valuable items near your windows, a burglar may be able to see them through the glass and decide to break into your house. Also, if you leave your credit cards and some type of financial paperwork with private information, someone can simple walk by your window and gain access to all of this information. Make sure that you never to leave any valuable or any of your personal or financial information near the windows or on the window frames.
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Thomas Hunter is an Internet marketer, author and publisher and has helped hundreds of people become successful Niche Marketers. Explore the highly profitable world of
Niche Marketing at http://SixFigureNiches.com our popular membership website.
Article Source: http://netsalesinc.com
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