Making your Commitments in Pen and Sticking to Them.

By: Thomas Hunter

Most of us complain that there is just not enough time. Time hasn’t changed though; there is still 24 hours in a day. The problem is that most of us just don’t know how to organize or manage our time to our advantage. Remember that continual motion does not mean you are achieving a balanced life.

We waste so much time with unnecessary trips, driving family members around, and spending time procrastinating that we often forget to take time for ourselves. We often don’t take the time to take care of our health through exercise, eating properly and finding enough time to rest.

Does any of this sound familiar?

If it does then put the brakes on! There is more to life than running in circles. Use some of these time saving tips, so you’ll be able to have a life that’s more fulfilling and successful in all areas.

1. Plan to organize. Organization takes planning. Find a routine that works best for you and stick to it. It doesn’t matter if you organize with a calendar, folders, or a fancy computer software program, just find a system and stick with it.

2. Set realistic goals. Plan short term goals with a long range goal in mind. Don’t try to be perfect by taking on too many short term goals to get to your long range plan quicker.

3. Think prioritization of goals. Create deadlines for both your short and long term goals. Organize your goals so they are in order.

4. Make lists. Lists help you visualize goals. Short term lists help to get the job done today, and long term lists will become shorter and more defined.

5. Block enough time. Realize most goals take more time to do than expected. Consider that life will throw you a curve ball when you don’t expect it.

Most would say all of this sounds too detailed or boring, but remember how organization helped you to get things done and it was so easy? You can continue to work this way.

Here are 5 time saving tips that will benefit you.

1. Use your body’s time clock. Work with your physical energy level. Schedule your work time around your energy level. It can be done. If you are a morning person, schedule the important tasks to be completed, in the morning. Knowing your own body’s time schedule is important.

2. Do things effectively. Tasks done at the wrong time is not effective, even if they are done right. Make sure you complete tasks in the order they should be done. Skipping tasks can just mean going back to start over again.

3. Find first priorities. Write done what must be done first. Prioritize all short term goals. This will help you reach your long term goal quickly and effectively.

4. Enlist dependable help. Don’t waste time doing work that others can do. Focus energy on tasks that only you can or should do. Asking for assistance can be a great way to gain more time for your more important tasks.

5. Be perfect to a point. There is no need to be a perfectionist. Decide on what you want to accomplish and get it done to the point that it is beneficial.

Believe it or not this is how to reach your goals, one small step at a time.

There are many ways you can be productive and reach your goals. Learn to work to a certain point, a specified point, and then stop. This can help you to review your goals and see if there is another step or short term goal that will benefit you. Remember if you’re not mentally and physically conditioned, it will be difficult to feel motivated into reaching your goals. There will not be any organized or productive work done.

Learn to say “No.” Remember that accomplishing your own goals is what you’re after. If you consistently agree to others work or projects, you will not move towards your own goals. Taking time for your self does not necessarily mean running around for everyone else. If you don’t have time to do them a favor, tell them. Stick to your plan and you will start seeing your goals becoming accomplished. Adding new goals will benefit you. You will be surprised how productive you can be.

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