Dealing with Disasters in a Healthy Way.

By: Thomas Hunter

Disaster, both manmade and natural, can cause several mental illness problems if the disaster is not understood. Dealing with the aftermath of disaster in a healthy way will help you and your loved ones to come out of the disaster strongly, instead of sliding into mental illness.

The first thing that you should do after a disaster is come to terms with what has happened. Many times, the disaster will cause for a loss in material goods or loved ones. The effect that this can have on you mentally will often times cause post traumatic stress disorder, grief of the losses, and other overwhelming feelings of sadness towards the loss. It is important to understand that this is part of the process of moving through the disaster. By allowing the feelings to be acknowledged towards what you are going through, you can move through the disaster more easily.

If you have been through a disaster, it is best to seek help. There are several that are willing to help you, both physically and mentally in order to restore your life. If you believe that you need help mentally to overcome the problem, there are several counselors and psychotherapists that are willing to help you overcome the tragedy that you have been through. If you have lost your things and financial means, then there are plenty of non-profit organizations that can offer you replacements in order to help restore your life. It is important to accept that you will not get your old things back, but you must also be willing to accept the new things in order to rebuild your life.

Another part to recovering from a disaster is by helping those around you. When a crisis hits a family or a community, it is best not to act out with repressed emotions of anger or sadness. By comforting one another and providing support and love, it will make the disaster easier to overcome. While you will need your space to express and overcome the feelings from the disaster, it is also important to accept that others around you are overcoming this same disaster and will need this same space and comfort.

If, as a result of the disaster, you are finding difficulty in things, then there are several signs that you can look for in order to determine whether you are healing mentally in a healthy way, or whether you are repressing the effects of the disaster. Often times, this is found by repressed behaviors. If you are having a hard time communicating with others, then it is a sign that you are not healing yourself mentally. As a result, you may become sick, will create anxiety, won’t be able to sleep, or may begin using drugs and alcohol, as well as forming other addictive behaviors.

Adjustment, if you notice these signs, is the major key in overcoming the stress related to the disaster. Talking with others, instead of repressing your feelings or taking them out in destructive ways, is one way to help you overcome the disaster. Many times, those involved in the disaster will hold themselves responsible for what happened. It is important to let go of this feeling if it is holding you back from healing. One way to do this is to form a plan of action in case another disaster strikes. You can also go to communities and support groups in order to relieve some of the stress involved. By being able to recognize that others have gone through the same thing, it will make you feel like it is easier to cope and will give you a deeper understanding of the disaster and how to overcome it.

One of the important things to do when overcoming disaster is to establish a routine. By doing this, you will be forcing yourself to continue on with life. After you have lived through a disaster, this may seem harder to do. Overtime, the routine will become easier and will help you to overcome the feelings of loss that you are going through. It will also help you to avoid going into depression or dwelling on the past.

Overcoming disaster is a difficult step to take mentally. By using some very specific techniques, you will be able to move past the tragic event that has moved into your life. By taking care of yourself, as well as being able to reach out for help, you can move beyond the disaster and back into a healthy way of thinking.


This information is not presented by a medical practitioner and is for educational and informational purposes only. The content is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health care provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition. Never disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking it because of something you have read. The statements in this article have not been evaluated by the FDA, and are not intended to “diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease".

About the author of Dealing with Disasters in a Healthy Way

Thomas Hunter is an Internet marketer, author and publisher and has helped hundreds of people become successful Niche Marketers. Explore the highly profitable world of Niche Marketing at our popular website.
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