Battling Bulimia – Information You Should Know.

By: Thomas Hunter

Bulimia is a mental illness that is common in teens as well as in adults. If you have bulimia, it is important to know not only how to identify it, but also the important steps that you can take in order to become healthy. By eliminating this eating disorder, you will have more energy, and will be able to function at a higher level in your every day life.

Bulimia is an eating disorder that is defined by over eating. This over eating is then balanced out by purging the food back out of the system. This is usually done by vomiting, taking a laxative or water pill. The main reason why people become bulimic is because of problems with weight and self identity. They will then become overly critical of weight as well as body shape and type. This is often reinforced by the thin image that is accepted as healthy by society.

Bulimia can cause several physical problems. The first thing that happens is the body tries to balance out in other ways. If you are vomiting or getting rid of the food through pills, it will cause acid to continuously be moving through your body, which is not naturally there. This can cause the outer layers of your teeth to wear down and become permanently damaged. It will also cause your throat to become damaged by inflaming the esophagus. The glands near the cheeks may also become swollen from the excess acid moving through your system.

More internal problems may also occur as a result from bulimia. Damage to your stomach will often occur. This damage may never be solved, depending on how long you are bulimic for. This problem is furthered by your digestive system not being able to function properly when you become bulimic and also after you have started to become healthier. This problem eventually moves upwards into the heart. Several who are bulimic may experience heart failure, which can eventually lead to death. This is a result of the chemical imbalances that occur from the lack of food and minerals being lost from the body.

Another result that often occurs from bulimia is ulcers and inflammation of the pancreas. This is a result from the pancreas not being able to digest properly. If it remains inactive or is confused from the vomiting and pills, then it will respond by inflaming and causing ulcers. After you begin to get healthy, it will take a while for the pancreas to respond and function at a normal level again.

If you are recognizing that you have a bulimic eating disorder, it is best to get it solved right away. Bulimia and obsession over your weight and body type can become addictive. As time goes on, it is harder to stop the problem and becomes more difficult for your body to begin functioning at a normal level again.

If you have been binge eating and purging your food for more than three months, than you are considered bulimic. This, as well as an obsession with your body weight and type will add onto the bulimia. If you have been involved in these behaviors then it is best to get help now.

The first thing to do is to meet with your physician and tell him or her of your problem. They can help you in recovering and changing these habits. The first thing that will need to happen is a change in your way of thinking towards eating as well as the habits that have begun as a result from bulimia. If the problem has become out of control, doctors will usually check you into a hospital until your body becomes more able to function at a healthy level. They will most likely monitor your behaviors as well as your eating habits.

The next step is to make sure that you remain healthy. A better diet will help you in fighting this disorder. Behavioral therapy is one option to take part in. You can also get on medication to allow you to begin a better eating lifestyle. Fighting off the mental affects that bulimia has, including the addictive behaviors and the habit of not keeping food down will be continuous battles after you begin to get healthy with bulimia.

The effects of bulimia are not only detrimental to you physically, but also mentally. Bulimia will be a mental disorder that you will have to fight off after you have ended bulimia. If you are bulimic, it is best to begin getting help now. The physical damage, as well as the mental problems that may result from bulimia are reasons why you should not become bulimic or learn to fight off the disorder.


This information is not presented by a medical practitioner and is for educational and informational purposes only. The content is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health care provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition. Never disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking it because of something you have read. The statements in this article have not been evaluated by the FDA, and are not intended to “diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease".

About the author of Battling Bulimia – Information You Should Know

Thomas Hunter is an Internet marketer, author and publisher and has helped hundreds of people become successful Niche Marketers. Explore the highly profitable world of Niche Marketing at our popular website.
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