The Roller Coaster of Bipolar Disorder.

By: Thomas Hunter

Bipolar disorder is a mental illness that affects many in the nation. As a result, it affects the functioning of an individual in many ways, as well as those that are around one with bipolar disorder. Bipolar disorder must first be recognized with all of the symptoms that take part in its functioning. It is then important to find treatment so that everyday routines and living can be at its fullest.

Bipolar disorder is known to affect mostly older teenagers and young adults. It is said that over two million Americans are affected by bipolar disorders. Because of the quick shifts in moods, bipolar disorder may not be caught for years. Bipolar disorder is known to begin in a person because of genetic mutations that occur. This mutation of the gene then begins to effect how the brain reacts to the environment and situations. It may take time before bipolar disorder becomes fully functioning in someone, however, when it does, it causes severe mood swings.

There are several different symptoms that are included in bipolar disorder. The first of these is in relation to mood swings, also known as episodes. One may move from being extremely happy or high to having feelings of being sad or angry. There will be periods of one feeling normal in between as well. The changes in emotion also will include shifts in energy as well as behavior. Bipolar disorder will often cause a loss of ability to control your environment as well as cause a loss in relationships.

Usually, the symptoms of bipolar disorder are found in two different categories, one of mania and the other with depression. The symptoms that are included in mania will be based off of feeling excessively good or happy about something. This will be supported by extreme amounts of energy and restlessness. One may find that they are unable to rest with their thoughts, and as a result will move in between subjects rapidly. Often times, this behavior will include things such as aggressive and intrusive behavior as well. When one is in a manic state of mind, they will have a hard time admitting that something is wrong.

These manic episodes will then move to the other extreme of moods and into depression. The major feelings that accompany depression result in this. One will feel hopeless about their life. They may also have feelings of sadness. The activities that they are participating in will have less value. The energy levels that were extremely high during the manic episode will move towards a low level. One may find that they are sleeping more than usual or not sleeping at all. This depressive feeling will often lead to thoughts of suicide.

Bipolar disorder, within these different mood shifts, can then occur on several different extremes. For example, some may remain in a mixed bipolar state, where the different attributes between the manic and depressive states don’t occur at different times. This will cause the same problems with mood, but will leave one with confused characteristics between both of the states. At another level, those with bipolar disorder will go through several levels of mood shifts. This will begin at a low level, where there is not an extreme in mood shifts. Over time, these states will increase, causing more severe shifts and episodes from the person with bipolar disorder.

Bipolar disorder can also cause several problems in one’s external life. Because of the mood shifts, it will cause a switch in how one is able to perform at school and at home. Often times, those with bipolar disorder will begin to abuse drugs and alcohol as well. This is in order for those with the disorder to be able to try to minimize the different extremes of moods that are occurring.

Bipolar disorder is a mental illness that causes one to move on a roller coaster between two extreme moods. At times, they may find themselves responding to everything through a happy state and at others they will be extremely depressed. Both of these states of mind and the movement between them will often cause severe side effects. If you have bipolar disorder, or know someone who does, then it is best to get help before the problem becomes worse.


This information is not presented by a medical practitioner and is for educational and informational purposes only. The content is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health care provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition. Never disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking it because of something you have read. The statements in this article have not been evaluated by the FDA, and are not intended to “diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease".

About the author of The Roller Coaster of Bipolar Disorder

Thomas Hunter is an Internet marketer, author and publisher and has helped hundreds of people become successful Niche Marketers. Explore the highly profitable world of Niche Marketing at our popular website.
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