Three Ways that an Internet Firewall Can Be Compromised.

By: Thomas Hunter

Online security is one of the greatest concerns in today’s world. Individuals and businesses alike have the same concerns when it comes to internet security. Businesses that connect their internal Local Area Networks (LAN) are concerned by the inherent insecurity due to the underlying design of the global network. When data is not encrypted and sent across the network as clear text, this makes it easy for others to impersonate someone else while online. To avoid all the paranoia about online security, you can find some very good tools to secure your network against any unauthorized violations. A great way to ensure online security is by installing a firewall.

A firewall is security software that can be downloaded into your computer and serve as a flexible barrier between your network and the internet. Because there is no specific point of entry to break through a fire wall, they are fairly difficult to breech. Although a firewall may be difficult to breech, it doesn’t make it impossible. There are actually ways an internet firewall can be compromised, but this is mostly due to human error.

There are three ways, that can easily be avoided, that will compromise your internet firewall:

1. Before downloading a firewall, be sure to find the one that suits your needs. You don’t need a firewall specifically designed for a business when you are installing it on your home computer. Compare all the versions available and see who offers the best choice that you will be comfortable with. Also be sure you obtain the latest version of the software and not something that is a few years old. Even last years versions may not be good enough.

2. You must follow all instructions according to the particular firewall you are installing. There are numerous versions of firewalls available, for purchase and for free. Although no firewall is particularly the same as the next, purchasing a firewall does not mean it will be far more superior to a free one. Each version and manufacturer may require different instructions when downloading it into your computer. Never assume the instructions are all the same, different versions from different sources often have similar yet slightly different instructions. If the firewall is not installed properly, it will not be as affective as it should and will leave you open for outside threats.

3. Update. Update. Update. When there is an update for your firewall, run the update immediately. You never want to ignore firewall updates or hold off on them. Those updates can contain vital information to keep your system running smoothly. The updates are there for a reason and they can be extremely crucial to the security of your personal information and online accounts. Also, always open any email referring to your firewall. You may have important information in that email from the source of where you found the firewall.

All firewall’s apply a certain set of rules that will decide who will get to connect to what service they are authorized to use. This makes it possible to selectively add or block access to specific services. When a firewall is set up properly, it can provide an exceptional means of protection for your computer and network. Only when the instructions are not followed thoroughly and the updates are not made, can a firewall be at risk.

Firewalls are becoming increasingly popular as one of the best online security measures available to the online community. Because the primary purpose is to prevent unauthorized users from gaining access to your web server through packet filtering, user authentication, address obfuscation, along with client and server access lists.

Most data that is transmitted through the internet is sent as clear readable text and is not encrypted. When data is not encrypted, this makes all your transactions and data readily available to anyone who is looking for it. Although most transmitted data on the internet is routine correspondence and web page images, hackers will be able to find your LAN, or another channel from which most of your data passes through. Bottom line is you need to be protected. By installing a firewall the correct way, you can avoid any compromising situations and avert the headaches.

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