Golf: Some Warm Up Tips.

By: Thomas Hunter

When it’s time to warm up, some golfers think they need to hit the driving range with everything they’ve got. In truth, warming up to make your game as effective as it can be means that you work on a variety of swings and become familiar with the conditions.

For example, you golf differently on a windy day than if the air is still. You probably play at least a bit different on days when the temperature is raging than when it’s cool. Here are some tips from those who hit the courses on a regular basis.

Driving is a good way to start, but start slowly. Choose a short iron for your first few drives, giving your muscles a chance to loosen up and to get the feel for the day. Work up to longer drives, but remember that the goal isn’t only to see how far the ball will go – control is more important than distance and this is your chance to gather your skills to exercise that control.

Don’t just drive. Some people make the mistake of thinking they’ve completed an adequate warm up once they’ve managed to make a few successful drives. Take time for some chipping and putting as well. Make the most of your swing and any recent lessons you’ve had. Remember that a round of golf is much more than teeing off.

One of the most important warm up tips is to get your mood and emotions under control. Smacking your frustrations out on a golf ball probably isn’t going to help your game at all – though it might arguably be good for your frustrations. Take time to gather your calm, focus on your game and let the day’s troubles fall away. Your mood – especially if it’s a bad mood – can greatly impact your game.

Another mistake many people make at the warm up session is to start practicing. This isn’t the time to try out new clubs, new swings, or new information. This is a time to play your best game, just as you’ll be doing shortly – at the first tee. It’s okay to put in a few practice swings if you’re working on something you want to put into play for this game, but don’t get caught up in a practice session. One of the purposes of a warm up time is to build your confidence. You can’t do that if you’re continually making errors. Use the techniques you’re most familiar with and be ready to congratulate yourself on all your successes during the warm up.

If you are doubtful about the need for a good warm up period, just think back to a recent game of golf that you didn’t warm up for. How was your first tee? How was the fourth? Did you spend the rest of the game making up for some poor strokes early on? The warm up is a chance to make those mistakes before they’re being engraved on a score card. Take time to make yourself confident and you’ll play a confident game.

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