Home Health Care – Things You Need to Do in Anticipation of an Emergency.
Remember to remain calm. An anxious person will have a hard time reacting in time of a crisis. Better judgment calls are made when a person can stay calm. If you need to learn how to react during a crisis, you might consider taking some stress reduction classes. Also, just remember a few stress reduction tips that can help, first, if you begin to feel anxious, take a few deep, slow breaths. Also, act as quickly as possible, but be sure to think though your actions before making any decisions. Every second in an emergency counts and so does every decision you make. Again, remaining as calm as possible can help you make the right choices. Post emergency contacts. Be sure to have fire, police, and rescue phone numbers posted in as many rooms of the house as possible. Placing these numbers within easy access to the phone will only benefit you. Also, be sure to have access to as many phones as possible. If you have a hard time getting around, it is best having a cell phone or paging system attached to your body. Many cell phone makers offer fitted carrying cases that clip on to your belt or waistband. Own a First Aid kit. Be sure to have a first aid kit with bandages, gauze, safety pins, antiseptics for cleaning wounds, and small linen cotton towels for making slings. Also make sure you have instructions on how to administer different types of first aid Learn How to administer basic first aid. You can learn how to take care of minor injuries. Take classes that will teach you how to administer first aid properly. Also, be sure to practice what you learned in the classes. This will help you be more efficient in an emergency that requires first aid and will help speed up the emergency care process. Learn CPR. You can save someone’s life while waiting for the ambulance to arrive. You can have this capability if you learn how to perform CPR on someone who is not breathing. You can also help jumpstart someone’s blood circulation before the paramedics arrive. Please check your local listings to find out more about CPR. This procedure is often taught in schools, non-profit emergency shelters, and at most people’s employers. However you learn CPR, there is a change of saving someone’s life. You can eve take classes to get certified in it, and take refresher courses year after year. Have emergency exits planned. In case of a fire or a burglary, it is wise to plan an escape route. Furthermore, periodically conduct emergency drills with the people in your household. In addition, plan a place, such as the front yard, or a public building for you to all meet when you exit your home. This will save time and you will have a better chance of protecting yourself and each family member. Have an emergency supply kit. In case of a fire, have an emergency supply kit stored in a fireproof container. You should include an extra set of clothes, money, and extra set of car keys, medications, and personal items, and important legal papers within. Also include any items you need for your infants or pets. You can ask a friend or relative to safely store this for you, in case you need it. Know where you would go, if you need to evacuate. In case of a natural disaster or a fire, you may need to stay in another shelter temporarily. Be sure to plan ahead of time a safe place to go. Have those phone numbers handy in your emergency supply kit. Also, be sure to update this list from time to time, in case the phone number or emergency shelter changes. This list is not an exhaustive list of how to prepare you in an emergency. However, it is a good start. You never know when you will need this information, so keep it nearby. For further information on household emergency preparation, contact local emergency personnel. Wake Up Richer Every Morning... Instant Internet Business Makes Money Automatically... Thomas Hunter is an Internet marketer, author and publisher and has helped hundreds of people become successful Niche Marketers. Explore the highly profitable world of Niche Marketing at http://SixFigureNiches.com our popular website. Article Source: http://netsalesinc.com If you have a website or ezine you may freely post this article on your site as long as you include the full resource box above. All links must be active / clickable with no syntax changes.
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