Six Great Icebreakers That Make for a Great Bridal Shower.
One great ice breaker is bridal bingo. Your first steps in converting this great game to an ice breaker is to pair guests up whom you think don't know each other. You want know more than fifteen bingo cards out at any one time. You will also need a list of the words on the bingo cards. Be sure to cut them up so you can pull them out of a hat or some similar container. All of the bingo cards should have words on them that are associated with weddings, wedding gifts, or romance. In the center of the card should be a free space that can work with any type of line. The hostess should act as the bingo caller. She should pull the small pieces of paper out of the hat and call out each word. When the guest pair has a word on their card, they should mark through it with their pencil. If a guest pair can mark through a complete line of words in a vertical, horizontal, or diagonal method, they should shout “Bingo.” The host should check their card, and if, indeed, they have gotten all of the words, they will be deemed the winner of that game. The winners should receive some sort of wedding favor prize. There are a number of free printable cards on the internet along with word lists to help you in planning for this great game. Another great ice breaker is the toilet paper wedding dress game. You will want to divide your guests into groups of three or four. Try to divide the guests into groups where they do not know the other members. Each group gets one roll or toilet paper and fifteen minutes to make a wedding dress on the group member that they deem to be the bride. At then end of the game, the team who has the best wedding dress, judged by the real bride, wins. A third idea for an ice breaker is the classic clothespin game. Each guest wears a clothes pin attached to their clothing. The guests are informed that there are three words that they cannot say. Words like “bride,” “groom,” and “wedding” work well. If any guest hears another guest say these words, that guest can demand their clothes pin. At the end of the game, which is typically the end of the wedding shower, the guest who has managed to obtain the most clothes pins wins. An additional idea for a good way to break the ice among your guests is two truths and a lie. As each guest introduces herself, she should tell two things about herself that are true and one that is a lie. As she is speaking, each other guest should be writing down which things she thinks are true and which are a lie. The guest who has guessed the most correct answers after everyone has been introduced wins the game. Another fun icebreaker at bridal showers is the “Who Am I?” game. Before the wedding shower begins, you will want to make a list of famous couples. These can be real or fictional couples. You want to choose people that your guests are likely to know. Write down the name of each member of the couple on a name tag, and put it on the guest's back as they arrive without showing them. They have to go around the party and ask yes or no questions about their identity. The couple who gets together the fastest wins the game. One final fun icebreaker at bridal showers is a variation of the purse scavenger hunt. Divide guests into teams of three. Try to pair them with people they may not know. Give them a list of items, and the number of points each item is worth. They should try to find those items in their purses as a team. The team with the most points wins. For example, a can opener may be worth 10 points, and a tissue may be worth 2 points. It can be a great idea to try to get your guests to make friends at the bridal shower, as you may create some life long relationships. About the author of Six Great Icebreakers That Make for a Great Bridal Shower Thomas Hunter is an Internet marketer, author and publisher and has helped hundreds of people become successful Niche Marketers. Explore the highly profitable world of Niche Marketing at our popular website. Article Source: If you have a website or ezine you may freely post this article on your site as long as you include the full resource box above. All links must be active / clickable with no syntax changes.
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