Rules of Irrigation - How to Water Your Roses.

By: Thomas Hunter

Roses love water. They are constantly thirsty. One of the keys to growing roses successfully is to provide them with plenty of water. This becomes very important during times of drought or of higher heat. Chances are that you will need to water your roses at least once a week. During hotter times, and just after they are planted, it may be necessary to water your roses more often in order to keep up with the water demands these plants have. Just as you need to meet the needs of the other plants in the landscape, it is necessary to water your roses to keep them in good shape. When you water your rose’s plants well, they will treat you to beautiful blooms and sensual scents.

Because water can be expensive, especially in the drier and hotter areas of the country, it can be a daunting task to take care of roses and to ensure that they have adequate water to thrive. The good news is that are some simple things that can be done to ensure that you are water your roses with maximum efficiency, ensuring that you are watering them in a way that is cost effective.


Mulching is a great way to help your roses avoid water stress. Water stress occurs when your roses feel dried out. The leaves begin to sag a little and become limp. This is a sign that your roses are feeling the effects of water stress. Mulch is a way to help the soil retain its moisture. Good mulch will help prevent evaporation and provide moisture to the roots of your rose plants. As a bonus, mulch made from organic materials will break down and add further nutrients to the soil.

Good drainage

It may seem odd that roses dislike standing water. However, it is true. While roses need at least one to two inches of water each week to properly thrive, they do not like standing water. Water standing around the roots is an invitation for molds and mildews to infect the plant. Make sure that the rose bed or garden has good drainage so that the soil is moist, but also free of standing water.

Water in the morning

Water your roses as early as possible in the day. Make sure you water early enough to avoid evaporation of most of the water during the heat of the day so that the plant receives adequate moisture. Additionally, it is important to water roses early in the day so that the top of the plant, the leaves and such, have time to dry before nightfall. Wet leaves at night encourage a dank atmosphere inside the confines of the rose bush, making it prone to fungus diseases.

Water deeply

Deep watering is a must with roses. This deep watering must be done so that the water gets all the way down to the roots. The planting hole for roses puts the root location at 15 to 18 inches down. Make sure that you check the depth that the water reaches. Rose plant roots are generally rather extensive, and you want to make sure that the root system is well cared for. If you do not water deeply, you may encourage the roots to grow close to the soil’s surface. This can result in plants that are less hardy and more prone to be damaged by harsh winter weather or further cultivation of other plants.

Some ways to get good, deep water include bubblers and soaker hoses. Individual bubblers for each plant can be very useful, as they promote individualized watering. Soaker hoses are among the most cost effective ways to get a deep watering. These hoses are designed to inexpensively deliver a great deal of water to the roots of plants. The key is to make sure that you run the soaker hose long enough to make sure that the water makes it down to the root zone.

Even though roses do like a great deal of water, it is possible for them to get too much. Follow the above guidelines and then watch your plant. If there is too much water, the rose plant will not receive needed oxygen. When this happens the leaves turn yellow and fall off. So, water you plant regularly, but make sure to watch for signs to prevent over watering.

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