How to Know when a Little Stress is Really Just Stress.

By: Thomas Hunter

We have all probably heard that too much stress is bad for our health, in much the same way that overindulging in fast food, cigarettes, or alcohol can be. Indeed, stress is one of the leading causes of illness, even though most people who pay their doctor a visit don't realize that their condition was probably caused by stress. But stress is unavoidable. Our everyday routines are lined with stress, even if it's only the stress of burning the toast in the morning and fighting traffic congestion. How much stress is too much? At what point does stress become an illness? It helps to understand the nature of stress.

The Nature of Stress

Stress really just refers to your body's reaction to the world, to change, both internal and external. When we say we are "stressed out" we probably mean that our body has grown tired, anxious or frazzled from these interactions. We have lost our balance, our ability to deal with the constant stream of changes of interactions that we must face each day.

Stress Eats Energy

Some medical professionals believe that we all have a finite reserve of energy to deal with stress. Some of us have a higher threshold of energy than others. For instance, some us cannot handle too much stimulation after a long day's work, while others seem to thrive on being busy for most of the day. Whatever your threshold, when you sense that your energy reserve has become depleted, you will begin to feel that "stressed out" feeling.

What happens when we become stressed out? Our emotions become confused and entangled. We may feel anxious and depressed one moment, then simply tired and lethargic the next. Excessive stress may interfere with clarity of mind, ability to sleep well (or at all), ability to concentrate, eat, interact normally with others, an overall feeling of malaise or restlessness, surges in hormones that result in oily skin and hair, weight gain or weight loss, and a host of other undesirable effects.

How Much Is Too Much Stress? How much is Just Enough?

There is no doubt as to what is too much stress. If you find yourself not being able to function normally, you are too stressed. If friends or family members seem worried about you, comment as to your appearance, you likely have too much stress. If you find yourself suffering from insomnia, unable to concentrate, emotionally unstable, or just feel "burned out," you are most likely overstressed.

With doctors increasingly talking about the importance of stress control, many people are beginning to wonder, how much stress is OK? The truth is that stress is important in leading our everyday lives. We need that 'push' that stress gives us to meet deadlines, goals, and just get through the day. The trick is balance this 'necessary' stress with things that bring you joy, relaxation and rejuvenation.

The Fine Art of Stress Management

More than ever before, the importance of stress management is being discussed, written about, and studied. Too much stress can sap your health and vitality. But in a world that seems to run on the power of stress, what can you do to keep it under control. The key is to make the conscious decision to take charge of your stress, and to do so in a healthy, energy-inducing way. Many people try to quell their stress by smoking, overindulging in comfort foods, alcohol consumption, and drugs. In reality, these activities will only exacerbate the stress in your life, and if continued, may turn into serious health and/or addiction problems.

Once you've made the decision to alleviate your stress in a healthy manner, you'll find that stress management is one of the best things you can do for your health and your life. Practice a daily routine of stress relief. Make a list of things you truly enjoy doing—things that you do only to please yourself. Perhaps you enjoy taking a luxuriant bubble bath, or playing the guitar. Maybe gardening frees you from the day's worries, or making a telephone call to friends. Whatever you truly enjoy, make a habit of doing it everyday. Many people find it easy to quell their stress simply by 'zoning out' in front of the TV set, or indulging in their favorite food. While it’s fine to distress with your favorite TV show or snack on your favorite food, try to make a diverse list of things you can do. Whenever you're feeling a little funky, simply choose something from your list and let the stress melt away.


This information is not presented by a medical practitioner and is for educational and informational purposes only. The content is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health care provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition. Never disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking it because of something you have read. The statements in this article have not been evaluated by the FDA, and are not intended to “diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease".

About the author of How to Know when a Little Stress is Really Just Stress

Thomas Hunter is an Internet marketer, author and publisher and has helped hundreds of people become successful Niche Marketers. Explore the highly profitable world of Niche Marketing at our popular website.
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