Three Trees that make Perfect Hedge.

By: Thomas Hunter

Are you looking for the perfect hedge? Many trees can make a perfect hedge. To choose one, you need to look at your climate zone, what type of soil you have and how much moisture it will get. Some of these trees are Arborvitae, Emerald Green, Green Giant Cedar, Arizona cypress, Frasier fir, and the Colorado blue spruce. Let’s explore three trees that will make a perfect hedge. The trees are each beautiful in their own way and can be used as windbreaks or hedges.

The first is the Canadian hemlock; it’s classified as a tree and plant type as evergreen. They have a moderate growth rate and do well in full sun, partial sun, and shade. The botanical name for it is Tsuga canadensis. They can be grown in zones 4, 5, 6, and 7. At their maturity, they can stand 30 to 50 feet tall. To make a good hedge, they need to be planted about four foot apart in a row. Canadian hemlocks are soft and have a pyramid shape with a tapering trunk. It’s a beautiful conifer, makes a great hedge, and is an excellent choice for moist, well drained, and sandy soils. The Canadian hemlock has graceful foliage and can be used as a stand-alone tree or as hedge or windbreak. It’s best if they are transplanted when the plants are four years old.

The Norway spruce is another popular conifer for use as hedges and windbreaks. They are found throughout much of the United States and Canada. They adapt easily to low moisture and various soil types. They have a fast growth rate, classified as a tree and are consider an Evergreen plant type. They are good for planting in zones 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, and 7. At maturity, they will grow to a height of 50 to 75 feet. When they are first planted, they are approximately 10-16”. This conifer has branches that grow densely into one another. They are good for windbreaks and should be planted 6 feet apart to be used in that way. As the tree matures, the side branches become horizontal and begin turning up at the tip. The secondary branches hang down from the main branches making it an attractive ornamental tree with graceful flowing branches.

The Douglas fir is a versatile and popular tree. It can and is used as a Christmas tree, it also is popular as a windbreak tree, and it can be sheared to form a beautiful hedge. The mature shape is in the shape of a pyramid and it will grow to a height of 50-60 feet high. It spreads naturally outward 20-30 feet. The Douglas fir needs full sun and is adaptable to a wide variety of soil types and moisture content. You can plant Douglas firs in loam, clay, and sandy soil and it will still grow well. The trees are a beautiful blue green color and remain that color all year long. It can be planted in zones 3-6. The botanical name for the Douglas fir is Pseudotsuga menziessi glauca. Douglas fir, Douglas, Oregon pine, yellow or red spruce and interior fir are the names it is known by most commonly. The needles are flat with a pointed tip and the needles appear to stand out around the main twig. The Douglas fir also produces cones that turn from green to gray as they mature. The bark on the Douglas fir is smooth, with a gray-brown color. It has resin-filled blisters when the plants are young and after the tree has aged the bark becomes deeply grooved.

Many animals use the Douglas fir as a source of food. Squirrels, chipmunks, mice, winter wrens, and crossbills eat the fir seeds. Bears will scrape off the bark to reach and eat the layer of sap on the layer beneath the bark. The tree is also highly valued because of its dense wood. It is hard, stiff, and durable. The wood makes it perfect for heavy construction such as trestles, bridge parts, piers, and commercial buildings.

When you choose the trees you want on your property, investigate thoroughly and your local extension office is a good source of information. You need to be sure the trees you choose are good for you climate zone and for your soil conditions.

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