Interviewing Older Relatives about your Family History.

By: Thomas Hunter

If you are interested in genealogy, you know that there is a plethora of resources out there for you to use in your search for knowledge about your family. You know that the internet has a number of sites and resources for you and you have probably gotten a lot of information from there. In addition, libraries, town halls, and even hospitals are great sources of information as well. Have you considered, though, that perhaps the best resource for genealogy may be easier than any of these? Many geologists are finding out that interviewing family members is often the best way to find information on the family. Older members of your family, especially, may be able to get you information that goes back several generations. In addition, they can give you hints that will help you do even further information like where those other family members may have lived, died, worked, or even who their other family members were. All of this information is wonderful in helping you figure out your true family history.

One thing to be aware of as you go into your family interviewing process is that there are times that family recollections may be wrong. Names may be confused, times and dates may sort of mesh together in memory over the years, and you may even find that older relatives will confuse family members with one another. However, you will get some hints and ideas on where to look and at what time period you should be looking. Not that the interviews aren’t important, just that you should be aware that not everything you get from your relatives is going to be 100% accurate, but again, it may get you going in the right direction.

When you do decide to interview family members in an effort to increase the effectiveness of your genealogy search, make sure you are thorough. Interview everyone because you never know who will remember what. Start with your parents and work back, because sometimes even one generation back will remember more than you give them credit for. Also, don’t ignore spouses. If you are researching your father’s side of the family, for example, don’t neglect to talk to your mother. There are times when the spouse will know as much or more than the blood bonded family member does. Also, don’t just assume that the older relatives are the best resources, rather give yourself a chance by checking with everyone. Again, you never know who might remember something that will help you down the road in your search.

Next, as you conduct your interviews, make sure you are keeping track of what is said. Besides taking hand written notes, you may want to record all of the interviews you conduct. It can be easy to neglect an aside or offhand comment that may eventually lead to a clue that will help when you go to do your research later on. Once you have recorded information on tape and have your hand written notes, try to convert any of the information you can into electronic form so that it is easier for you to store and to review later on if you find yourself in need of the information. You will find that having the information backed up will come in handy if anything ever happens to your notebook or tape recorder down the road.

Finally, make sure you are thorough with all questions. Ask about places in particular because when you have a location you will have a much easier time finding more information on your own. Ask in the interviews about where people were born and where they died. When you know either of these, you will have an easier time coming up with birth or death certificates which will also list mother and father’s name so that you can go back even one more generation. So always make sure you take full advantage of the time you get when doing an interview with family members.

Genealogy can be a lot of fun. You get to find out more about your heritage and dig into interesting stories. With so many resources out there, make sure you do not neglect what may be the most important one you have: family members. Take the time to talk to family members and record the information they give you so that you can do further research on your own. Plus, you just never know what you might learn through the process.

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