Five Things to Ask Your Child’s School about their Emergency Preparedness.

By: Thomas Hunter

A good daycare provider will properly prepare for fires, sickness, medical emergencies, storms and disasters. Also, they will answer any questions you may have about emergency preparedness. Listed below are five of the most important questions you would ask a daycare provider before enrolling your children. Those questions are listed as follows:

How do you prepare for a fire, and how do you prevent it? A responsible daycare will only allow so many children per classroom. This makes for a quick exit in case of a fire. Also, they will have working fire alarms that are tested once a week. For instance daycare providers should have a fire detector in every room and these should all be in good working condition. Further more, they will have exit plans, and exercise routine fire drills at least one a week. Also, they will have fire exit maps on the walls of each room. That map will also include instructions of what to do in case of a fire. Each room will have a large poster that says “Stop, Drop, and Roll”. This ad campaign informs people what to do if they are caught on fire. It says to stop where you are, drop to the ground, and roll on the ground until the flames are out. Also, it says to stay on the ground if you see smoke overhead. This is because heat rises, and you will not have to breathe in the harmful smoke lying prostrate on the ground. The poster will also tell you to crawl to the nearest exit if you see flames and smoke above you.

All parents or emergency contacts will be called immediately by the daycare operators. The best daycare providers keep the parents informed about everything that happens at the center.

How do you prepare for and prevent sickness? This reputable daycare will make sure that the children with contagious sicknesses stay home. Also, they will contact you immediately if your child has a communicable disease.

The daycare will do their best to help take care of your child with a non-contagious sickness. They will also have the prescribed medicines that you give them for your child. Furthermore, they will follow all the instructions you give them on how to treat your child if he has to take medication during the school day.

Most daycares will tell you that they have to abide by strict cleanliness standards. All the food in the kitchen will be prepared with gloves on. Also, all tables will be sprayed and wiped clean with an antibacterial cleaner. If they follow these standards, they will be proud to tell you that hardly any child will get sick at their centers.

How do you deal with injuries?

If it is a serious injury: A severe injury would consist of a severe burn, broken bone, twisted ankle, or internal injury. A responsible daycare will immediately contact you if this happens to your child. If they cannot get a hold of you, they will call one of your emergency contacts. If they cannot get a hold of your emergency contacts, they will then call 911.

If it is a minor injury: If it was just a minor cut, scrap, or bruise. A day care worker would take care of it right on site. They will also document it and report it to the parents as soon as the parent picks the child up.

If the injury was a result of an abusive day care worker: Background checks should be done on daycare workers, so it is rare that there would be abuse in a daycare. However, it does happen. In these instances, the employee would be terminated immediately.

If the injury was caused by another child: The child who caused the injury to another child would be disciplined, and closely monitored. Furthermore, the incident would be reported to both children’s parents. If a repeat offense occurs, the child may not be allowed to stay at that daycare any longer.

How do you deal with medical emergencies? The best daycares will provide daycare workers that are certified in CPR. Also, they are trained to the Heimlich maneuver, in case a child is choking and cannot breathe.

How do you deal with natural disasters? Day care staff usually is trained in matters of natural disasters. For instance, in some areas they conduct regular tornado drills so children know exactly what to do. This helps prepare the children how to be safe. Also, they listen to weather reports daily, and lead the children to the shelter when necessary. The workers are also trained in stress and crisis management, to better handle a stressful situation such as this.

Remember these five questions when choosing a day care provider. It will help you make an educated choice.

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