Popping the Pill to Prevent Pimples.

By: Thomas Hunter

In this day of diet pills, and other pills or various other instant relief of other medical problems, is popping a pill to prevent pimples something you should try?

It’s a common misconception only teenagers have acne. In truth, all ages can get pimples and suffer from them at any time of their life. In fact, increasingly, women are getting acne well into their adult years. Some women have found it helpful to take a low dosage of birth control pills and it helps their acne clear up. The birth control pill is hormone manipulation. One birth control pill that has proven effective is Ortho Tri-Cyclen. It successfully reduces the male hormones, androgens, and regulates the female hormones so hormonal imbalances are not as severe. Hormones can be a major cause of acne breakouts. Some women are genetically prone to more drastic hormone mood swings because of oil glands that are more sensitive to hormones and higher levels of androgen. The hormone balancing birth control plan has been proven in studies to increase the chance of the skin clearing.

There are some side effects to taking the birth control pill, so you need to know if this pill is what you rally want to help clear up outbreaks of acne. Some of the side effects are weight gain, increased chance of hypertension, diabetes, heart attack, stroke, and blood clots. Women who smoke are in greater risk from these potentially deadly side effects.

No matter what your age, if your acne is severe, a drug is popular for clearing severe cases of acne. Accutane is used only after comprehensive regimes of oral antibiotics have been tried and not been successful. Therapy is started with a low dose, then increasing the dosage after several weeks. A treatment of Accutane normally lasts for 16 to 20 weeks.

There are some dangers of taking the drug Accutane. You will need to make your decision based on several different facts. It does have severe side effects and you will need to look at that before deciding to take this medication. If your cane is severe enough to cause emotional anxiety, depression, and low self-esteem, you may want to take it.

If you can control your acne with other treatments or medications, you may not want to risk taking Accutane. If you have a history of depression in your immediate family or you have that history, it could worsen that condition. If there is any chance of you becoming pregnant, you should not take this medication. There are some pros and cons to taking the pill Accutane.

Here are the pros of Accutane.

1. Accutane does significantly decrease pimples in nearly 75% of those that take it.
2. It does help prevent severe scarring from acne outbreaks.
3. It can help with the emotional upheaval such as depression, loss of self-esteem and anxiety.
4. If your acne returns after the first course is completed, it isn’t usually as severe and another course of treatment can be taken.
5. Accutane can avoid sever scarring and years of expensive treatments.

The cons of Accutane must be included in this report as well.

1. Accutane had been determined to cause sever birth defects in babies of women who became pregnant while taking this drug.
2. Use effective birth control to avoid becoming pregnant and do not get pregnant for at least a month after you stop taking Accutane.
3. Accutane has been linked to depression, psychosis and suicidal thought or attempts. It should be taken if you have a family history of depression.
4. Other significant side effects include dry skin, mouth, and eyes. These do seem to be temporary only.
5. Headaches and muscle pain are more side effects and occasionally, cholesterol and triglyceride levels may increase. Regular blood tests are needed to check these conditions and check liver function.

One other important factor to making your decision is the medication itself is expensive. So, if you decide that you are a candidate to pop a pill for your pimples, please look at all the facts. Both the birth control pill and Accutane has proven effective for clearing or helping to keep severe acne at bay. You will have to decide if the side effects are worth the advantages of taking pills to help your condition.

About the author of: Popping the Pill to Prevent Pimples

Thomas Hunter is an Internet marketer, author and publisher and has helped hundreds of people become successful Niche Marketers. Explore the highly profitable world of Niche Marketing at http://SixFigureNiches.com our popular website.
Article Source: http://netsalesinc.com
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